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Sky-Watcher sin innovative og smarte SolarQuest montasje er ekstremt brukervennlig og gir en trygg opplevelse med automatisk lokasjon og observasjon med ditt solar-teleskop.

Bare sett opp tripoden og pek solar-teleskopet hvor som helst til venstre for sola, så vil Sky-Watcher sin revolusjonære HelioFind teknologi ordne resten. Med et enkelt knappetrykk vil teleskopet automatisk rette seg, og montasjen vil via GPS data kalkulere høyde og vinkel på sola basert på tid og sted. Teleskopet vil så bli pekt i riktig høyde og montasjen vil svinge med klokken for å finne solen. Solar Sensoren vil detektere solen, låse seg på den, følge den i stillhet, og sørge for at den holder seg i synsfeltet.

SolarQuest montasjen kan bruker i undervisning, og for både nybegynnere og erfarne observatører. Når brukt med ditt solar-teleskop, er det et fantastisk hjelpemiddel for å observere solflekker, sol formørkelser, sol overflaten, og planetpasseringer.

SolarQuest er lett og transporterbar, stille i drift, har maks nyttelast på 4 kg, og er kompatibel med teleskoper med standard 45mm Dovtail feste.

NB! Skal kun brukes med Solar-teleskop. Andre optiske innretninger vil kunne gi varige men om man titter på solen med de.


  • Aluminium tripod med tilbehørshylle
  • Dual Axis Tracking
  • DC Servomotor, Gir ratio 6480
  • Nøyaktighet: Opptil 3 bueminutt
  • Svingtempo: 16x og 1200x
  • Tripod høyde: 80.5 til 152 cm
  • Totalvekt: 4.05 Kg


Informasjon på engelsk:

Solar observing has just been made incredibly easy!

Sky-Watcher’s clever and technologically innovative SolarQuest™ mount is extremely user-friendly and provides a safe experience for automatically locating and observing the sun with your solar telescope.

Just roughly level the tripod and point your solar telescope anywhere to the left of the sun and let Sky-Watcher’s revolutionary HelioFind™ Solar Alignment Technology automatically do the rest!!  At the single push of a button, the telescope will be auto-levelled and the mount via GPS data fixing will calculate the altitude and azimuth of the sun based on the time and location. The telescope will then be pointed to the correct altitude and the mount will slew clockwise hunting for the sun. The Solar Sensor will detect the sun and lock onto it, and will silently track and keep it within the eyepiece’s field of view indefinitely.

The SolarQuest™ mount can be used by educational establishments, beginners and experienced observers alike. When mated with your solar telescope it is a great companion when observing sunspots, solar eclipses, solar surface details & the transit of inner planets across the sun.

The SolarQuest™ mount is lightweight and portable, quiet in operation, has a payload capacity of up to 4kg and accepts telescopes with standard 45mm Dovetail Bars.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The SolarQuest™ mount is designed to be used with solar telescopes only. Do not point any other type of optical device at the Sun. Looking directly at the Sun without verified-safe, professionally made solar filtering will cause immediate and irreversible damage to the eyes (blindness), damage to the telescope, and will be a fire risk.


  • HelioFind™ Solar Alignment Technology: Solar Sensor with 4 x Photodiodes & built-in GPS data fixing to obtain time & location to calculate the sun’s azimuth and alltitude
  • Telescope Auto-levelling feature with the help of the built-in tilt sensor (3 x axis accelerometer in the sensor block).
  • Auto drift correction through feedback from Solar Sensor
  • Auto Pointing Offset Correcting Feature
  • 8-Way Sliding Switch for Centring Sun in Field of View
  • Tracking Rates: Alignment-Free Solar Tracking
  • Pointing Accuracy: Up to 3 arc-minute (after customer calibration)
  • Resolution: 2073600 Counts/Rev., 0.625 arc-second
  • Slewing Speeds: 16x & 1200x
  • Tracking Mode: Dual Axis Tracking
  • Motor: DC Servo Motor, Gear Ratio 6480
  • Payload Capacity: 4kg
  • 45mm Sky-Watcher/Vixen type dovetail saddle
  • 3/8″ Screw Fittings (tripod/mount)
  • Adjustable Aluminium Tripod with Accessory Tray
  • Bubble Level
  • Height of Tripod/Mount: 80.5cm – 152cm
  • Mount Head Weight: 1.3kg
  • Total Weight with Tripod: 4.05kg
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Power Requirement: 8 AA Size Batteries (not supplied) or External Power Supply DC 12V, Tip Positive (via adaptor panel).

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